WWOOFing was definitely one of my favorite highlights of 2009, and so it was a wonderful surprise to hear Dominique’s voice on the other end of the line, asking if I’d be available to house-sit, or make that farm-sit, for one week in January while they went on vacation. Yes! I arrived on Monday afternoon and we spent the day going over the morning and evening routine for both plants and animals –straw, hay, water and grain for the rabbits; the logistics of moving the sheep from pen to pasture and back again; protecting the various lettuce plants from frost and rain, etc… That night we made dinner and visited, and then on Tuesday morning off they went, leaving me to tend the farm, read, drink tea, go on walks, cook and keep the fire in the wood-burning stove going strong so as not to freeze, brrrrr!
Monsieur J joined me on Thursday night, which worked out well because he too loves the farm. Come to think of it, I think most people would love the farm, though it does challenge accepted standards of cleanliness. So then again maybe some people couldn’t handle
la ferme after all. At any rate, we took advantage of the drizzly Saturday to explore Cyril’s workshop and decided to build a small bench. It will get painted one of these days, a deep pastel blue like so many of the shutters you see in the south of France; that’s what I have in mind. And while it might not be sturdy enough for the two of us to sit on, it should be able to support a few plants.
I had a bench almost like this that I used as a coffee table when I lived in North Carolina and now my mom has it on her porch in Virginia, which makes me happy to know that she is enjoying it. If I ever had the kind of money it would take to ship some furniture to France, this bench would be at the top of my wish list. But since that is completely impractical, why not make one? All it took was one idea, a sketch, a plan, and some sawing, sanding, and nailing. And though we are far from practiced carpenters, I think it's safe to say that this is something we would both enjoy doing again. In the meantime, I am quite happy with our new little bench!
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